Nick and Telana trading the books for wine

So far we know my goal is for office space to help startup entrepreneurs. I started with a match, traded it for a pen, then a frog, and the frog for 2 books.

I then traded those two book with Nick for 2 case of First Sighting Wine – a total of 18 bottles!

I got to catch up with Nick, and we spoke about why he made me the offer, where the books are now, and also learnt about Strandveld Vineyards and why they called their wine First Sighting!

Nick has taught me a lot, from an idea I had when he asked for training from me. That opportunity led me to do a 4-way trade for my business, Inner Coaching that was mentioned in an interview in GIBS magazine. This 4-way trade involved a website revamp, about 50 cases of Strandveld wine, a PR membership on Biz Community and plenty hours of social media consulting. Listen to find out how this 4 way trade worked.

I salute Nick and thank him for being so open to exploring alternative options like bartering, not only for my onematchstick trade, but also the 4 way business trade!

Here is the list of offers I got for the wine : a local flight in South Africa, a holiday, and a non stick electric frying panĀ ! Which one did I choose?